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Folder Main Healing Lessons - Audio Recordings

These are the 24 main lessons in our teaching series, Matters of the Heart. Each 1/2 hour lesson is a complete message in itself, but they all go together to lead the understanding on a true pilgrimage of the heart.

Please feel free to make copies and share these teachings We want to see believers everywhere set free! Of course, if you prefer to have the entire set assembled by us, then visit the Store to purchase the teachings as a CD or DVD set. And we certainly appreciate donations that allow us to keep offering so much for free to those who can't afford it. (If you haven't yet taken our free eCourse for Healing, follow the link below for transformation and liberation.)

Take the eCourse for Healing


audio 6: Pathway of Temptation Audio Popular

By 1535 downloads

We are not the author of our own waywardness! The tempter is real and we need to understand how his kingdom works upon us. What are the steps of temptation? What is the enemy’s main purpose in it? What is our place of refuge and power?

The Pathway of Temptation

audio 7: Steps to Freedom Audio Popular

By 1517 downloads

The Lord gives us the pathway of repentance to counter the pathway of temptation. Freedom may be hard won at times, but the promise of it is real. These eight steps will always work to return you to Him and the refreshing of His presence.

Steps to Freedom :  Reconnect

audio 8: Beholding the True Image Audio Popular

By 1560 downloads

Two images fell when Adam fell. In coming to earth, Jesus has not only restored to our hearts the true Image of what Father God is like, He is also restoring to us the lost vision of what we are like. We are transformed by the grace of beholding Him.

Beholding the True Image

audio 9: Our True Identity Audio Popular

By 1548 downloads

So important is this reality of image bearing, that any distorted image of ourselves that we harbor will hinder and even cripple our walk with the Lord. Take this truth to heart: whatever is not like Christ within us is not our true, reborn self either.

Our True Identity

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