eCourse for Healing:
Matters of the Heart
The 24 Main Healing Lessons of our seminar, Matters of the Heart, will lead you on a journey of understanding your own heart and how to "keep" it (Proverbs 4:23). You will learn how to recover from past emotional damage and discover the Lord's way for gaining mastery over your emotional state in present situations. These lessons are filled with "field tested" tools for experiencing greater freedom and joy, plus exercises and prayers to help you “bring your heart to God and receive His heart for you.” Your life in Christ can become a River of Peace!
The primary components of this course are:

The 24 Main Healing Lessons
Receive God's grace-giving, freedom-making revelations.
Synopsis of the Lessons
The 24 Head to Heart Guides
Work out with Truth to move it from your head to your heart.
The 24 Illustrated Truths
Seeing enhances our believing in the spiritual life.
This eCourse also provides you with:
- Free access to the Main Healing Lessons as MP3, MP4 and PDF downloads for hearing, watching and studying.
- Full color Illustrations of the key concepts to help you visualize the truths. Seeing enhances believing in the spiritual life.
- Further extensions of the teachings in the form of Life Applications, Healing Articles and Blog posts.
- Resources in the Store, if you desire hard copy goods to dig into or share with your friends.
This eCourse is free!
We do ask that you consider making a contribution* after taking the course, but only if you have been blessed and helped by it, or have a strong leading from the Lord to bless us anyway.
Suggested donations are:
If you live in the USA, Canada, the UK, or northern Europe:
$ 20.00
If you live in other parts of the "developed world":
$ 10.00
If you live in the "Third World" or are a missionary or pastor serving anywhere in the world,
or if you honestly cannot afford to make a contribution no matter where you are living:
$ 0.00 Please don't make a donation!
Ready to embrace a fully restored life?
Good! Now let's get on to "walking your heart through Truth!"
*Contributions go towards our continuing development of this site and these resources and offering them free to those who cannot afford them. We are seeking to reach a hurting world with your help!