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Prayer Focus

Heart Guide for Lesson 17:
Accepted in the Beloved

Rejection wants you to feel rejected, unworthy, insecure. The truth is that you have an enemy who hates and rejects you and who will always want you to feel rejected, but you can learn to rest your heart in God who will never leave you, forsake you, or reject you.

For he has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.' Hebrews 13:5 

Learn to stop touching the 'hot stove' of letting others declare to you your worth (the idolatry of others). Put your whole heart into what He says He sees when He looks your way!

Father, forgive me for holding out my heart to other people to declare my worth to me. You have declared Your unending love for me and my eternal worth to You by sending Jesus to the cross. Forgive me for letting other people's opinions matter to me more than Your own. I repent of and renounce all rejection I have ever taken on. It is not about what they did or said - it is all about my unwitting sin of holding on to it - and letting them be god to me. By an act of my will I am taking my heart back from others and giving it to You. May I only desire to see me in Your eyes. Thank you for Your steadfast love and acceptance. My heart is safe under the covering of Your perfect love and Your promise to never leave me or forsake me.

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