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Stretch Yourself

Heart Guide for Lesson 18:
Love Thyself

Un-self-loving attitudes block Holy Spirit given ability to express or receive love. The truth is it really is a great, good thing to be you - because of who He is to you and who you are in Him. He believes it so you can too! So, forgive self, renounce self-rejection and agree with God!

I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14 ESV     

Make the following faith confession your own declaration of freedom, confessing it by faith as an act of your will. Repeat this out loud as often as you need to and as loudly as you may need to until you really believe it:

Because of my Father's perfect love for me, His never-ending mercy for me, the future and hope He has for me, and His commitment to bring good out of everything that has ever happened or will ever happen to me, it really is a great, good thing to be me! I therefore choose to fully forgive myself and accept myself—just as He does. And I will fight to take my life back from all unloving attitudes against myself. I may have had a bad beginning, but I am going to have a great never-ending!

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