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Heart Guide for Lesson 2:
Truth or Consequences

Impossible to know it all: Can you think of a choice you can make that doesn't have any consequences to it—no matter how slight or how delayed? Can you think of any thought or action that doesn't have some relationship to right or wrong ways, truth or falsehood? This is what it means to be continually feeding upon the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 2:17)!

Now consider how many decisions you may have made today. How many of them were you able to make with total knowledge of all consequences, all outcomes, all interrelationships to other persons or events? Gets tricky really fast, doesn't it? No wonder God wanted to spare us this impossible task. What would feeding on the Tree of Life look like compared to this?

Jesus is the Tree of Life. Living surrendered to Him—trusting Him and being led by His Spirit—allows us to find a path of life that doesn't require knowing everything about everything! Write down how it would simplify your life—if you gave Jesus more control. What is stopping you? Pray to overcome that obstacle!

Surrendered to Him, I wouldn't have to… 

Trusting and obeying Him, I would be able to...

Return to Truth or Consequences: Head to Heart Guide for more ways to go deeper into these truths or stay 'on course' by going to the...