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Heart Guide for Lesson 23:
Walking in the Spirit

You have received guidance many times. Recognize and acknowledge what God has already been doing in your life. Don't be shy about admitting the truth that the Lord has been speaking to you and showing you things all along. You have been 'walking in the Spirit' much of your natural life, whenever your actions were graced and blessed with the Lord's peace.

Wise King Solomon advises us to learn to acknowledge Him - give Him credit for what He is already doing - and He will direct our paths. One meaning of this is that if we will learn to see the ways He has been guiding us since childhood (by Hand and Voice), we will be that much better prepared to recognize, acknowledge and follow Him in the future.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and  do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways  acknowledge him, and he  will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Mark this check list if you have encountered God in these ways, even without realizing it at the time, and then add some of your own to it.

__A little bird whispered in my ear.

__I have a gut feeling this will work.

__It's just a hunch, but have you tried...

__Something just doesn't seem right.

__I've got a bad feeling about this...

__The thought just dropped in out of the blue!

__That same thought just occurred to me too!

__All of a sudden I remembered...

__This idea just stays on my mind...

__It's a feeling I just can't shake off.

__That gave me chills and goose bumps!

__What an incredible coincidence!


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