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Heart Guide for Lesson 11:
Spiritual Strongholds

It is time to 'spy out the land'! These meditations will help you gain eyes to see what the enemy has been up to through establishing strongholds of thought and belief.Stronghold Protection

1) Take a few moments to come up with examples of stronghold thinking in our culture. (For example: people from cults who come to your door, atheistic evolutionary advocates, extreme positions in favor of abortion.) Have they ever been able to change anyone's mind on these subjects? What do you end up doing - get frustrated and angry? What works?

2) Now consider the kinds of strongholds that individuals you have met may have had. This is not for judging them, but for understanding the dynamic. What was it like trying to talk past the stronghold? What worked? Did anything work?

3) Now think of examples of strongholds in your own emotional life . Pray for the Lord to go to work to pull those strongholds down!

4) Finally, in the upcoming lessons give special attention to the teachings that address those particular stronghold areas in your own life.

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