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Stretch Yourself

Heart Guide for Lesson 11:
Spiritual Strongholds

Negative emotions lie to us and misdirect us. Why would an emotion do that? From the perspective of spiritual warfare, the negative emotion is like a glove; the evil spirit is like an invisible hand manipulating the glove. Let's take the gloves off and expose this deception!

Consider how these four lies play out in anger with God, hopelessness, fear, self-hatred, and bitterness with others. For more about emotions see Negative Emotions in the Life Applications section.

1) The negative emotion wants to convince you that it has a right to stay.

2) It wants to focus you on something or someone else as the problem for why you are stuck with that emotion. It never says: 'I'm the problem. Just get rid of me!'

3) It wants to make you think it is up to you to do something about it. It pressures you to be your own savior.

4) It wants to get others to agree with it—that it has a right to be in you and should be in you until that problem 'out there' is fixed.

Some fruitful questions to ask within the stronghold. As you ask them, wait upon the Lord to see or hear what He may show you. Then pray to believe the truth that sets them to flight.

Lord, what am I really angry about?
Why do I feel so guilty and ashamed?
Help me fully forgive others and fully receive Your forgiveness.
What am I really afraid of?
Help me match Your truth to my deepest fear until the fear is released.

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