Spirit, Soul and Body: Article List
These are short articles that deal with healing spirit, soul and body. Many of these topics are also explored in our series 'Matters of the Heart,' our free eCourse for spiritual growth and emotional transformation.
Articles on Healing Spirit, Soul and Body 
Healing Ministry
The healing ministry of the Lord has never ceased.
Spiritual Healing
Emotional and spiritual healing are closely intertwined.
Freedom in Christ
The 'glorious liberty' is a promise you don't want to miss.
Testimonies of Healing
Believers tell how they found freedom from emotional pain and diseases.
Is Emotional Healing Possible?
Yes! God heals people all of the time and He uses these 5 things to do it.
5 Powerful Motivations for Forgiving
Like any hard task forgiveness works best if we are fully motivated to do it.
Forgiveness Explained
What it is and what it isn't could surprise you--and help you to do it!
How to Forgive the Unforgivable
In 10 heaven-assisted steps.
Would You Like to Go Through Your Day Like Jesus Did?
Here is how God works every day to answer that desire.
How God is Transforming Us
The 5 grace-filled ways He uses to save and transform us.
Who You Are In Your Eternal Being
7 Things You Need To Know About Yourself!
The ABC's of Emotional Intelligence
Live In The Spirit With Greater Peace And Freedom!
Interested in Going Deeper?
Consider taking our free eCourse for Healing. We have designed a complete series for personal transformation, 'Matters of the Heart,' to help Christians gain emotional freedom and inner healing. In all there are 24 Main Healing Lessons and 24 Head to Heart Guides to help you bring your heart to God and receive His Great Heart for you in return!