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pdf 25 Ways that God Works All Things for Good Popular

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At our seminars I often asked people to write down a bad event they experienced and then list 5 or 10 ways in which God had been making it work for their good. Sadly, many people couldn't come up with even one. Let's grow eyes to see this truth at work!

pdf 33 Biblical Blocks to Healing Popular

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Why aren't we healed, especially since the Lord desires healing for everyone? No one has all of the answers, but these 33 blocks are certainly things we can check for and make sure that we have taken them out of the way. Credit goes to www.beinhealth.com.

pdf 5 Biblical Ways to Pray Popular

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No one ever taught me this: I thought prayer was prayer. Then I began to notice that there are (at least) 5 main ways of praying displayed in scripture. The fascinating thing is that rarely was anyone healed by the kind of praying we do most...

pdf 5 Motivations and 10 Steps to Freedom Popular

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Forgiveness is giving your pain, the injustice and the person to God and trusting Him with it all—with why He allowed it and with how He will redeem it. As we know, it's easier said than done. Here is the why (5 motivations) and how (10 steps) of it.

pdf A Check List for Building Emotional Intelligence Popular

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These seven points are directed in a generic way at any negative emotions you may be struggling with. When I came to faith, I knew practically nothing about emotions except that I had them (or did they have me?). These lessons pointed me towards mastery.

pdf ACT! Fast to Reconnect with Jesus Popular

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We have an enemy actively “seeking whom he may devour,” always working to separate us from our God by weakening our trust connection or by diverting us from the path. We must be ready to “plug back into the Lord” whenever we start losing the peace.

pdf Addiction's Three Lies Popular

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All addictions are forms of bondage based on lies. According to Jesus, the Enemy sows lies that enslave us; Jesus is the one liberating us through telling us the truth, then getting us to believe it with Him. Let's get free of these 3 lies!

pdf An Illustrated Guide Popular

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As you will see, images enhance spiritual sight. But how can those elusive, invisible realities be captured as images? Your imagination is the key, for with the mind we think truth, but with the heart we behold it.

pdf Fruit and Roots: For Mastering Your Emotional State Popular

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All of us have emotions and all of us have emotional issues. Some simply pop up in the present. Many are powered up by stuff in our past that we haven't gotten over yet. Here are two highly effective strategies for growing emotional mastery: fruit and roots.

pdf Holy Spirit: Supernatural Power Popular

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The Holy Spirit has been given to help us find that path where our two great purposes converge in fruitful service to others and joy-filled fellowship with our God. All along the way we are meant to enjoy adventures and discoveries aided by our invisible Friend.

pdf How Our Worst Things Become the Best Popular

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I used to say that I was hanging 95% of my life on this one promise of God--that He would take all of the messed up things we cause, or that others cause us, and make them work for our good. We have to work to believe it, but the freedom is worth it!

pdf How to Forgive the Unforgivable Popular

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To help you regain your freedom by “forgiving the unforgivable,” I have assembled the most powerful things I’ve learned in seeking my own recovery from pain, injustice and abuse. Take your time going over the four main sections, then put them to work!

pdf Invisible Kingdoms at War Popular

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Just suppose that there really is an invisible kingdom arrayed against you. What good does it do to know that? Is there anything that we can do about it? How does it impact daily life?

pdf Knowing the Spirit Popular

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Ever wonder just Who it is that you are "hosting" on the inside? We are on the hunt to discover all we can about our well-hidden Quarry. Fortunately, there are clues scattered all over scripture giving ways to track down our perpetually present God.

pdf Matters of the Heart Popular

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Set your heart “on pilgrimage” to discover the life Jesus died to give you and learn how you, too, can enter far more deeply into His peace than you could ever have imagined. This workbook includes all of the eCourse for Healing.

pdf Ministry Basics Popular

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There are two great adventures to our life in Christ: Getting to know our God better and joining Him in the Rescue. We all get to play a part! Of course only Jesus can save people, but He delights in gifting us, training us and going out with us into our broken world.

pdf Negative Emotions: Lying Bullies Exposed! Popular

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Negative emotions are accurate indicators of our internal (usually hidden) belief system tucked away in the core of our hearts. This is the unconverted part of us and it needs to hear and be taught to believe the gospel truths that would set us free.

pdf No Matter What Happens Popular

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As I sought my own recovery, I took a LOT of notes on scripture, on what others had to say, and on the thoughts that would come to me when I needed them the most. Here is one that I have used many times to pull my heart out of the ditch.

pdf Overcoming Self-Hatred Popular

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I hated myself for years with a fierce and unremitting fury. If the Lord could help me get over that (and He did), then He can help anyone learn to love themselves as He does. These are four of the most powerful truths He taught me on the way to freedom.

pdf Pray for Healing 5 Biblical Ways Popular

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Jesus prayed using all five and He will certainly help you learn to use them, too. The first step into this brave, new world is to understand the five different approaches and recognize the situations that call for them. Enjoy your voyage of discovery, my friend. 

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