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Folder 1. Healing Essentials

May these articles enhance your understanding with fresh insights, but remember: though God is our Healer, He is also our greatest Mystery to penetrate. That may be a dilemma, but it is also, wondrously, our delight.

Jesus Healing a Blind Man : Emotional Recovery : Physical Healing


Folder 2.1 Main Healing Lessons (Two Page Summaries)

Teachers, these downloads are here with you in mind! These are the 24 main lessons in our eCourse and workbook, Matters of the Heart. However, they have been condensed down from being 6 page chapters in the workbook to a tighter format of 2 pages, suitable for being 1 page handouts (printed front to back).

We use them all the time in working with groups of any size that don't have the workbook to refer to as we go along. With this in hand people don't have to worry about taking notes, except any inspiration the Holy Spirit gives them (or us) in addition to what's already on the page. That way they can focus on what is being said and still have legible notes to go deeper with once they get home. (If you haven't yet taken our free eCourse for Healing, follow the link below for transformation and liberation.)

Take the eCourse for Healing

Folder 2.2 Main Healing Lessons (Workbook Chapters)

Use these for your personal study or share with your friends! These are the 24 main lessons in our eCourse and workbook, Matters of the Heart. Each chapter is 6 pages long for ease of two-sided printing for class or study group situations. However, if you wish to save paper you may want to download the ' Folder Main Healing Lessons - Teacher's Handouts ' which have been condensed to two pages for printing front to back as one page handouts.

Please feel free to make copies and share these teachings we want to see believers everywhere set free! Of course, if you prefer to have the entire workbook with all the extras assembled by us, then visit the Store to purchase a download or hard copy. (If you haven't yet taken our free eCourse for Healing, follow the link below for transformation and liberation.)

Take the eCourse for Healing

Folder 3. Life Applications

Here are 18 different applications of the main teachings to specific issues -- where the rubber meets the road in daily life. (Follow the photo link to the website section of articles.) Plus, you'll also find a 52-page eBook that includes them all!

Where the Rubber Meets the Road




Folder 4. Illustrated Insights

All 30 Illustrated Insights are here along with the explanations, scriptures and prayers. Let these images help give you "eyes to see" the spiritual realities in the ordinary circumstances of daily life which surround you.

Three Illustrated Insights

Folder 5. Prayers for Healing

There are so many different ways to pray for healing. The Lord is serious about wanting to teach us how to do what He did and He is just as eager and willing to heal us now as He did then. The only difference is that now, He mostly wants to work through us!

Praying Hands on Bible : Biblical Prayers for Healing

Folder 6. Scriptures for Healing

The scriptures reveal what our Lord wants us to know about His desire and ability to heal us. They also teach us ways that we can participate with Him in our own healing, especially through prayer, but also through life-stye. In addition, they supernaturally build our faith which is the main avenue through which heaven's power operates in the earth realm.

Bible with Heart


Folder 7. Ministry to Others

Helping others is a high calling and a serious responsibility, but most of all it is great, good fun! These articles give guidelines and suggestions for doing it. (Follow the photo link to a treasure trove of articles on how to do Spirit-filled and Spirit-led ministry.)

Ministry to Others: Footwashing




Folder 8. Scripture Studies

From angels to demons, from heaven to hell, these 20 word studies on the kingdoms of light and darkness will help you go deeper and balance your understanding of the invisible realms. (Follow the photo link to our website section on scriptures for healing.)

Scriptures for Healing




Folder 9.1. The Last Days

Oh sure, people have been talking about our Lord's return ever since He left, but that doesn't mean He's not coming back! After reading these articles, you just may concede that His Return is close indeed--the signs are unprecedented.

The Return of Jesus

Folder 9.2. Church and World (4 PDFs)

These articles are not directly about healing, but topics of interest concering Christianity and the world, including the Return of Jesus Christ to the world, His world.

The Cross and the World

Folder 9.3. Our Books (8 PDFs)

These previews include the preface and first chapter of our books. (The book cover link takes you to the website section showing all our books, including the most recent.)

Look Inside Our Books


pdf Illustrations for the Workbook Lessons Popular

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pdf Synopsis of the 24 Main Healing Lessons Popular

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DOCS.Synopsis of the 24 Lessons.pdf

pdf Teacher Aids for the 24 Lessons Popular

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DOCS.Teacher Aids for the 24 Lessons.pdf

pdf Testimonies of Bangor Conference Popular

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DOCS.Testimonies from Bangor Conferences.pdf

pdf Workbook Selections for Free Download Popular

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DOCS.Table of Contents Preface Chapter 1.pdf

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